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Saturday, April 4, 2020

Four Thieves Vinager

    Four Thieves Vinegar is a concoction of Vinegar and select herbs said to protect from the plague. It use used topically to prevent disease, fleas, ticks, bacteria Or spread in salads and meats to add extra flavor, Kill plaque causing bacteria, boost immune system, Heal your insides. Magically it can protect you from danger, Protection from magical attacks, Drive away enemies, Break up relationships.

  This remedy was used during medieval times to prevent catching the plague.  The story of its discovery is believed to be from four European looters that robbed items from the dead or sick which the public associated them with supernatural powers considering they never died themselves once they were caught they offered their secret recipe for mercy which had kept them from contracting the plague.

Due to this herbal remedy being so old there are several different variations but each are effective as the last. This recipe is to serve as a guideline and you are not limited to other possibilities that are not listed. 

 Pour wine vinegar or White wine Vinegar into a mason jar and add a cup of minced garlic. Then if you want to go with the traditional form of the recipe Choose 4 of the herbs down below  (one for each thief) or you can choose to pick seven which would make Seven thieves vinegar.

Lavender, Rosemary, Peppermint, Sage, Ginger, Black pepper, Oregano, Basil, Fennel, Lemon Balm, Echinacea, Sambucas, Licorice, Astragalus, Ginseng, Dandelion, Coriander, Rue, Thyme, Wormwood

Keep in mind that some of these herbs are not for consumption so if your looking to use it as a meat rub I would do some research on the toxicity of each you choose to use.

Place the jar in a Sunny window for Four days making sure to shake violently at the beginning of each.

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