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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Spring Equinox

March 18th - 23rd

 ( or whatever day the Equinox falls on for you)

Spring equinox is when the sun is directly over the equator and night and day are equal.  The Spring Equinox is all about Resurection from the dead of winter, Duality of nature is strong at this time. This also is the point were Satanism and most occult practices lose some of thier dark and gloomy aesthetic to a point. This is a powerful day for there is only two equinoxes in the year, but not as powerful as the solstice's.

Common Practices 

Spring is a great time to start Major workings, Work on your new Garden if you sprouted seeds in February, Clean the home and altar space  physically and spiritually, lovely time for relationship's and life long commitment, handfasting, Earth or Air meditations, Feasting, looking for a Job, foraging, growth rituals, love spells, egg painting, star gazing or Sun rise/set Observances, Oomancy, bake buns, Burn effigies.


Painted blow out Eggs Are done in many different cultures including ancient Egypt they represent the cosmos, Goats are a symbol of lusts and fertility, Rams are symbols of renewal and fertility. The shape of thier head are reminiscent of the female reproductive system while also being a highly masculine symbol it also has feminine energy within. Rabbit pelts or feet are nice things to have they are the most well known signs of fertility to common folk simply because of thier nature to reproduce quick like many other rodents, Snakes which are dormant for most of the winter come out around this time to bask in the warmth, Black, White, Silver, Gold candles, depictions of the sun and moon, Chicken feathers, Chickens, Ouroboros another serpentine symbol represents change and the cycle of death and birth, Orphic Egg or World eggs, Bird nests


Elements: Earth, Air
Planets: Sun
Animals: Snakes, Chicks, Goats, Rams, rabbits, hens, lambs
Herbs: Dandelion, Daffodil, Violet, Bee balm, peonie, dog wood, Crocus, Lemon balm, Red bud, Tulip, Primrose, Iris, Grape hyacinth, Rose, Mint, Lambs quarters, Chick weed, Dead nettle
Stones: Moonstone, Aquamarine
Colors: White, Black, Blue, green, pink, Brown, yellow
Zodiac: Aires
Association: Cleansing, manual labor, planting, growth, relationships, bonds, Artistry, Creativity


Sun sets true west around the time of the Equinoxes. Around spring time if you look at the full moon you might see the grey spots on it that might resemble a rabbit, Also the first full Moon of March is also a very special day, It is commonly referred to as the Worm moon and usually on that night you can see the shiney skin of worms crawling out of the ground under the moonlight, might even hear them too.


Deviled Eggs, Hard boiled Eggs, Lamb, Root beer, Rabbit, Oranges, lemons, Osage Tea, Chicken

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