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Saturday, November 28, 2020


September 21st - 24th 

Wan-m is a minor sabbath around the time of the autumn equinox When the year is in its older age. You should be able to visibly see everything around you start to transition to winter and maybe even a second bloom of flowers you would commonly see during the spring Equinox.

Common practices

Crop offerings, Lamenting, harvesting of last crops, feasting, games, Orgies, gathering with friends and Cabals, the pact, protection rituals and spells, same sex intercourse. This is a favorable time for same sex relationships to bond and give time to work on the relation among other things.


The Hebrew letter Vav. Cain was a farmer that sacrificed his crop to god and his brother Abel was a herder that sacrificed his animals. Cain, enraged by Abel's sacrifices being accepted and not his Cain Sacrificed his brother, which god then cursed Cain with the blood of his brother that he may never grow anything ever again and his body bare a mark that would protect him from premature death. Vav Gemetric value is 6 and represents completion. In the Hebrew hook shape it represents the earth. The gods told me The story and letter is deeply connected with this time of year. Copper, sunflowers, marigolds, Lanterns, the moon and representations, apples, grapes, Yew tree, black candles, cornucopia


venus reaches its highest in the morning sky, The moon begins to come closer and many planets will be seen near it.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Harvest festival

 August 1st

Minor sabbath opposite of Bearing light the main focus being the very start of the harvest season. I found it extremely hard to make connections in research so to fill in gaps I tried some methods of channeling and divination to seek answers.

Common practices

Weapons are cleaned. Making or playing music. Protection spells for yourself and your pantries. Harvest your crops if ready, first items you harvest on this holiday are to be buried as a satanic funeral ritual, while you don't have to give up all of it don't be greedy 3-4 items will suffice. If you do not grow any herbs or vegetables a burial of flowers from a local market will do. An offering of food on top of the burial is also optional. Store your harvest for later use. figures of reproductive systems are made and used as offerings. washing your hair in tonics and spring water. Visiting natural bodies of water. Divination of the future. Leaving ribbons and coins at bodies of water in exchanges for health. weaving, sewing, knitting, knot and string related magic. Offerings are left at crossroads. Lighting candles and torches. No hunting is done.


Woven tapestries related to the holiday. Sirius star images representing harvest, abundance and fertility. Sickles and boline's. Crystal pyramids denoting astrological alignments of sacred power points and creation of the galaxy. mirrors as tools of reflection on the self and the future. Cornucopia. Sun wheels. Gold and white candles.


Around the 8th day of August the earth aligns with the star Sirius and as the star rises in the sky. Orion's belt lines up with the great pyramids and it appears Sirius is closer to earth. The star is twice the size of our sun. This alignment is called the lions gate portal 


Demons: Astaroth
Elements: Fire
Planets: Sun
Animals: tarantula, cicada, lion, dragon fly, cow, sheep
Herbs: wheat, Barley, Angelica, Bayleaf laurel, Elderberry, Corn, Yarrow, Basil, Hops, Calendula, Rosemary, Sunflower, poppy,
Metals: Brass, Bronze
Stones: Carnelian, citrine, tiger's eye, Amber, lodesstone, peridot
Colors: Dark green, Yellow, Brown
Zodiac: Leo
Association: warmth, funerary practices, Life and death, Abundance, health, Protection, prosperity, heritage, Introspection,

The feast

Wine Bread, Garlic bread, Multigrian bread, Black berry pie, steaks, Jams, potato soup, wine, Beer, Gin, fish, Apple pie, Pork pie, Rye crust and goat cheese honey pie, Chicken pie, lemon pie, strawberry pie, peach pie, honey cakes, Oats, Elderberry jam, Figs, Grapes, Melons, Almonds, Almond milk, Almond bread, Corn, Hot peppers, Onions, Calcanon, Buttermilk biscuits, Ribs, Lemonberry bread, Braised goat, Shepherds pie, cheese

Friday, June 19, 2020

Summer Solstice

June 20th - 21st

The summer Solstice is considered the peak of light when the sun is at it's highest point in the sky and a day with the longest period of sunlight. It is important in many cultures around the world and is considered the middle of summer.

Common practices 

This is a time for intense magick work and love spells and charms done on the solstice is said to be most powerful. Herbs collected at midnight on the Eve of the solstice are said to be the most potent. Cleansing things by waving a torch of fire over themselves, cattle and crops is done. People burn the wreaths they made in may, create stone circles around thier sacred place outside and have bonfires to energize the sun. Ashes of a summer solstice fire is said to be lucky. If you can find a fern flower on solstice night at 12:00 its said you can become omniscient. Besoms of oak and birch are commonly made around this time. Healing and self care is at its strongest also spells involving love and relationships. Cleanse the home and properties with Vervain.


Oak wreaths symbolize Wisdom, strength and longevity. It offers protection while the tree itself has medical benefits, best collected at night. Birch symbolizes fertility, newbegings, renewal and purification. It also offers protection and exorcism for unwanted spirits while also in some cases Summoning them. Ferns are said to give one second sight, they also symbolize eternal youth. The sun the symbol of summer, strength, life. Dragons a creature of tradition and honour. they also are rulers of the elements and most magic practices. Dragons symbolize fortune, development, authority and primordial nature. Any plants with medical properties are good decor and can lighten the energy of the home. Vervain a flower of both love and medical use would be great for a centerpiece it also has the power to lift curses. Rue despite its poisonous attributes it keeps malevolent spirits away and protects from plague and parasites. Fire a symbol of destruction and creativity candles, sculptures or any manner of depictions are accepted. Klamath weed is a extremely powerful medical herb that is commonly hung near religious depictions and made into wreaths it protects from malevolent spirits. Rowan used for protection and metal diving it is used to also decorate the home or fill the air with its scent as incense.

In the northern hemisphere the brightest star in the sky Sirius is in view marking a period of really hot weather.

(Under construction)

Tuesday, April 21, 2020



April 30th - May 1st

    Hexennacht or witches night Begins at sundown of April 30th to sundown of may 1st.  This Sabbath occurs opposite of The festival of the Dead which is a  festival of reaping this holiday is a festival of Growing but while it is opposite it also shares the same thinning Vail to the spirit world. 

Common Practices 

On this night a bonfire is made of Adler, Ash, Birch, Hawthorne, Hazel, Holly, Oak, Rowen and willow. If one or two of these woods can not be found they can be replaced with Apple, Fir, Grape vine, Sandalwood, juniper or Palo santo they should be placed in a grid pattern criss crossed stacks of threes unless you have bought a "beltane incense mix" you can just burn it in a bowl or Calderon.  Black masses are performed at night, Acts of  Blasphemy, walking the boundaries of ones property, Archery, Sword practice, Dancing, Feasting, Drinking, Orgies, Pyromancy, Protection spells, Fire meditations, gardening, Love spells and potions are said to be powerful on this night, beauty spells, Fire cleansing, Tanning, Shapeshifting, Dream work, collecting dew on May first for beauty potions, Divination.


The Bull rules the month of April to May and Symbolise Renewal, Wealth, Potency, Modesty being connected to both the sun and moon, Goats, candles, Sun, Besom, Baphomet, Peppers, colored tapestries, Flags or Shrouds, Cherry blossoms, Grain bundles, Black dogs were usually a sign of Satan in medieval times and on this same night many Christians celebrate St. Walpurgis who protects people from Dog bites and general dog related injuries especially while people were busy hunting witches, The black dog as a whole represent change, death Also protection and Guardianship, Fertility and phallic symbolism, Greenery of ash, Hawthorne, Juniper and Alder are hung around the home, Bells and chimes which sound cleanses the atmosphere, Male and female figure which ever you would like to display, Flowers ruled by the sun.

Demons: Baal, Moloch
Elements: Fire
Planets: Venus
Animals: Bull, Goat, Dogs
Herbs: Adler, Ash, Birch, Hawthorne, Hazel, Holly, Oak, Rowan, Willow, Apple, Fir, Grape vine, Juniper, Sandlewood, peppers, Cherry blossom, grains, Primrose, Gorse, Marsh marigolds, iris, Phlox, peonie, grape hyacinth, rhubarb, lemon
Stones: bloodstone, sapphire, Rose quartz, Emerald,
Colors: Black, Red, Gold
Zodiac: Taurus
Association: Witchcraft, Blasphemy, Battle, Sex, Love, Beauty, Divination, Cleansing


The Lyrid Meteor shower happens every April usually between the days of the 16th to 25th, The Sun enters Taurus on April 21st.


(Under construction)

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Four Thieves Vinager

    Four Thieves Vinegar is a concoction of Vinegar and select herbs said to protect from the plague. It use used topically to prevent disease, fleas, ticks, bacteria Or spread in salads and meats to add extra flavor, Kill plaque causing bacteria, boost immune system, Heal your insides. Magically it can protect you from danger, Protection from magical attacks, Drive away enemies, Break up relationships.

  This remedy was used during medieval times to prevent catching the plague.  The story of its discovery is believed to be from four European looters that robbed items from the dead or sick which the public associated them with supernatural powers considering they never died themselves once they were caught they offered their secret recipe for mercy which had kept them from contracting the plague.

Due to this herbal remedy being so old there are several different variations but each are effective as the last. This recipe is to serve as a guideline and you are not limited to other possibilities that are not listed. 

 Pour wine vinegar or White wine Vinegar into a mason jar and add a cup of minced garlic. Then if you want to go with the traditional form of the recipe Choose 4 of the herbs down below  (one for each thief) or you can choose to pick seven which would make Seven thieves vinegar.

Lavender, Rosemary, Peppermint, Sage, Ginger, Black pepper, Oregano, Basil, Fennel, Lemon Balm, Echinacea, Sambucas, Licorice, Astragalus, Ginseng, Dandelion, Coriander, Rue, Thyme, Wormwood

Keep in mind that some of these herbs are not for consumption so if your looking to use it as a meat rub I would do some research on the toxicity of each you choose to use.

Place the jar in a Sunny window for Four days making sure to shake violently at the beginning of each.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Spring Equinox

March 18th - 23rd

 ( or whatever day the Equinox falls on for you)

Spring equinox is when the sun is directly over the equator and night and day are equal.  The Spring Equinox is all about Resurection from the dead of winter, Duality of nature is strong at this time. This also is the point were Satanism and most occult practices lose some of thier dark and gloomy aesthetic to a point. This is a powerful day for there is only two equinoxes in the year, but not as powerful as the solstice's.

Common Practices 

Spring is a great time to start Major workings, Work on your new Garden if you sprouted seeds in February, Clean the home and altar space  physically and spiritually, lovely time for relationship's and life long commitment, handfasting, Earth or Air meditations, Feasting, looking for a Job, foraging, growth rituals, love spells, egg painting, star gazing or Sun rise/set Observances, Oomancy, bake buns, Burn effigies.


Painted blow out Eggs Are done in many different cultures including ancient Egypt they represent the cosmos, Goats are a symbol of lusts and fertility, Rams are symbols of renewal and fertility. The shape of thier head are reminiscent of the female reproductive system while also being a highly masculine symbol it also has feminine energy within. Rabbit pelts or feet are nice things to have they are the most well known signs of fertility to common folk simply because of thier nature to reproduce quick like many other rodents, Snakes which are dormant for most of the winter come out around this time to bask in the warmth, Black, White, Silver, Gold candles, depictions of the sun and moon, Chicken feathers, Chickens, Ouroboros another serpentine symbol represents change and the cycle of death and birth, Orphic Egg or World eggs, Bird nests


Elements: Earth, Air
Planets: Sun
Animals: Snakes, Chicks, Goats, Rams, rabbits, hens, lambs
Herbs: Dandelion, Daffodil, Violet, Bee balm, peonie, dog wood, Crocus, Lemon balm, Red bud, Tulip, Primrose, Iris, Grape hyacinth, Rose, Mint, Lambs quarters, Chick weed, Dead nettle
Stones: Moonstone, Aquamarine
Colors: White, Black, Blue, green, pink, Brown, yellow
Zodiac: Aires
Association: Cleansing, manual labor, planting, growth, relationships, bonds, Artistry, Creativity


Sun sets true west around the time of the Equinoxes. Around spring time if you look at the full moon you might see the grey spots on it that might resemble a rabbit, Also the first full Moon of March is also a very special day, It is commonly referred to as the Worm moon and usually on that night you can see the shiney skin of worms crawling out of the ground under the moonlight, might even hear them too.


Deviled Eggs, Hard boiled Eggs, Lamb, Root beer, Rabbit, Oranges, lemons, Osage Tea, Chicken

Monday, January 20, 2020

Spiritual Baths and Ritualistic Bathing

 Healing bath, 1548. Credit: Wellcome Collection. CC BY
       Ritualistic Bathing is a religious or sometimes magic ceremony involving the element water to anoint or purify one's body and mind.  This has played a part in almost all cultures and religion's and is a very old practice helping fight the spread of diseases before germ theory was even established. In Greek mythology specific natural springs were said to be blessed by the god's to cure disease so they built bathing facilities. Legend in Egypt says that Cleopatra would bathe in donkey milk and honey for her complexion, also Ancient Egyptians would utilize salt from the Dead sea to exfoliate their skin. Both Egyptians and Greeks used the healing properties of Rose water.

Man and woman feasting and tippling in a bath. Credit: Wellcome Collection. CC BY
        In modern times The most common spiritual baths today are seemingly from Hoodoo and Rootwork almost all contain hyssop possibly because of Psalm 51:7 So it has become somewhat Christianized in nature regardless it can still be left out or reworked to fit different pantheon's and cultures for the most part no one seems to know when the modern practice of spiritual baths started with some hinting toward the late 60s - 70s it is no doubt more hoodoo in nature then Egyptian or Roman obviously but it could draw inspiration from that.  Spiritual baths today are done in the comfort of our own home with effortless running water unlike using natural Spring or filling a Iron tub also it is no longer only a thing of royalty because of ingredients like fresh milk, Epsom salt and Rose water being easier to obtain then having to seek a far traveling merchant, Mine or make.

Herbal Love Bath by h.herbal.healing on

         Usually spiritual baths cooked with herbs can have a unsightly Tea like color like greyish white, Reddish brown, Gold, Green and dark brown depending on the ingredients used. To make the environment more bright people tend to add dyes and fresh ingredients particularly Flowers which has brought an all new thing people like to call Bath art if you don't wish to do this For whatever reason is perfectly fine.  People use spiritual baths for all kinds of things like money drawing, beauty, cleansing of negative energy, love, empowering the body and much more partaking in this ancient cleansing by the element of water certainly isn't something to miss out on.


“Wellcome Collection.” Wellcome Collection, 2019, Accessed 20 Jan. 2020.

Contributors to Wikimedia projects. “Milk Bath.” Wikipedia.Org, Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., 3 Apr. 2006, Accessed 20 Jan. 2020.

“Ritual Bath | Britannica.” Encyclopædia Britannica, 2020, Accessed 20 Jan. 2020.

---. “Salt Extracted from the Dead Sea.” Wikipedia.Org, Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., 20 Feb. 2008, Accessed 20 Jan. 2020.

---. Wellcome Collection, 2019, Accessed 20 Jan. 2020.

Coughlin, Sara. “Hear Us Out: Bath Recipes Could Change Your Life.” Google.Com, Refinery29, 9 June 2017, Accessed 20 Jan. 2020.

Contributors to Wikimedia projects. “Book of Psalms, Chapter 51.” Wikipedia.Org, Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., 2005, Accessed 20 Jan. 2020.

---. “Flavoured Water Made by Steeping Rose Petals in Water.” Wikipedia.Org, Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., 2 Aug. 2002, Accessed 20 Jan. 2020.