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Friday, August 2, 2019

About Grimoires

What is a grimoire?

A grimoire is a textbook of spells and incantations that detail ways to summon entities, make magical objects and preform rituals etc... They are usually intended for others to read but not always. You can make as many Grimoires as you want and decide if you want them to be public knowledge or not. Choose wisely private Grimoires will be burned or buried with the maker when said person has died to keep knowledge that the writer has discovered lost forever or just hidden until further notice similar to a time capsule.

I do encourage you to read the whole wiki article.

“Grimoire.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 24 June 2019,

Why do you need a Grimoire?

Almost  all Satanist that practice any form of magic will have a grimoire.  They are tools for you to record the omens you see in day to day life to reflect back on them later, write down methods and correspondences that will help make your craft stronger and your own rituals, spells and remedies with how strong or effective they were.  I like call these the black Grimoire's. You may wonder why does it have to be black?  Well.... technically it doesn't it could be whatever color you resonate with or represents your work such as if you were only doing magic influenced by nature and the natural world you might want a green one and that's ok. But there is a specific reason we use black.
In nature there is this subtle duality like dark and light. The color Black is an extremely ancient color in fact it was the first color ever used in art by primitive people's etching on cave walls with ash and charcoal from a fire 12,000 years ago.  It is a formal and mysterious color associated with the Earth, night-time and femininity.  It is important to know black is not a bad color the idea of black being evil or unlucky came way later by shepherds who placed less value on black sheep because of their wool could not be dyed Black sheep being rare and undesirable were considered a bad omen.

So in conclusion the true nature of the color is neutral, absolute, ancient and largely misunderstood.  Our black books represent the divergent, the Earth and female energy on the outside and its masculine white solar energy on the inside as both work together to hold your most sacred incantations.

References: “Black.” Wikipedia,

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