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Monday, July 15, 2019

winter solstice

December 21st - January 1st

Winter solstice is the darkest night in the year, The sun stays still not moving toward or away from either of the earth's poles for two days. The Ancients during this time would consider it dead. This holiday symbolizes the decomposition process of the old year that died October 31st and the yearning for rebirth. Like October this month is still very deeply connected to spirits of the dead and other worlds and it is a great time for connection with them.

Common Practices 

One of the most powerful traditions of winter solstice would be doing acts or rituals that showcase the death of the season or birth of the new one. The burning of Yule log in the ashes of the old Is what I do because it is a part of my ancestral culture but anyone can do this. You can think of the log representing the year your currently in and you burn it in the ashes of last years log symbolizing the death and rebirth, while also providing warmth in the winter.  Of course today not a lot of people have fireplaces or any kind of fire pit so it is completely ok to have a decorated tree or have a log of cedar, pine, fir etc. and have three white Brown or green candles on it and burn them every year this way you don't destroy the log and you can decorate it also every year it will look different due to the melting wax. Other traditions That I practice are the hiding of the yule goat or wassailing, But It is very important to find your own tradition and to know why you do it and the history of, if it's something already established and if it's really appropriate.


Green, White, Brown candles which are also Belials color correspondences Buy Fir tree or spruce (optional) Mistletoe hung over door ways. Deer are a representation of nature the earth and Furfur also their antlers are objects of sexual attraction and war similarly going through a bloody cycle of rebirth, anything natural and relating to winter Pine garlands, Holly, Ivy leaves and Cloved oranges. Things that could represent the Sun, moon or the Dark of night.


Demons: Satan, Furfur, Belial
Elements: Earth, Fire
Planets: Saturn, Sun, Moon
Animals: Goat, Hart 
Herbs: Pine, Cedar, Fir, Red Cedar, Yew, Holly, Oak, Ivy, Elderberry, Cypress, Yaupon, Dogwood, Sandalwood, Vanilla, Clove Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Allspice, Frankincense, Myrrh, Ginger, Oats, Orange, Apple, Cranberry, Peppermint, Birch, Witch hazel, Mistletoe, Comfrey, Poinsettia, Chestnut, Pecan, Walnut 
Metals: Gold, Silver 
Stones: Clear quartz, snowflake Obsidian, Ruby, Garnet, Snow quartz, Blue calcite, Moss Agate, Emerald 
Colors: Black, Red, Green, White, Brown, Silver, Gold
Zodiac: Capricorn 
Association: Decay, Cold, Survival, Change, Darkness, baring no fruit, Family, Returning light, Yearning for Birth, Hope, Prosperity, Wealth, Giving, Warmth, Storage, Barren, hibernation, Starvation, Peace, kindness, Home, Comfort, Drinking, Spirits

Winter Observances 

During the 23rd the sun is directly over the tropic of Capricorn. Celebrating the return of light. Stars during the winter solstice are brighter you can Observe Orion, Taurus and many more.

The Feast

In 1644 Oliver Cromwell banned pie, calling it a pagan pleasure, he was most definitely right here are some of the many different pies that can be served on this sabbath

Mixed fruit pie, Cherry pie, Apple pie, Pumpkin pie, Pumpkin pie with pumkin crust, Pecan pie, Pork pie, Rye crust and goat cheese honey pie, Chicken pie, Cranberry pie, Black berry pie

Other foods include
Sweet potato casserole, Gingerbread, Biscuits, Dried fruits, Seeds and Nuts, Chicken, Beef, Ham Oranges, Apples, Celtic yule cakes, Fried honey cakes, Lemon poppy seed melts, Regular and Spicy Peanut brittle, Stuffing, Apple crisp with oats, Oatmeal, Taco soup, Pork roast, Snickerdoodle pinwheels, Sun king soup, Elderberry jam, mixed Wheat loaf, Wassail, Gin, Ginger Ale, Root beer, Cider, Peppermint tea, Corn, Peppermint jam, Peppermint bark, Black drink, Chamomile tea, Pine nettle syrup, Egg nog