October 24th - October 31st
When the Sun enters Scorpio on October 24th is when I consider the beginning of the holiday ending on 31st. Scorpio is the one zodiac that death is mostly associated which marks the beginning of death of the old year. At this time the vail is thinner and makes it easier for communication. You will have a strong connection to the other worlds that is connected to thousands of different spirits and entities but remember festival of the dead is that for the dead more specifically your relatives, pets and friends who have past. It is also a special time unofficially associated with LGBTQ+.
Common Practices
Set out food offerings for the wandering souls near leave offerings on graves of those close to you even pets or around and in the home. Bonfires, guising, divination And any party games, romantic gestures. Self expression, Art necromancy, Osteomancy, Shapeshifting, ghost photography, Ghost "hunting". Curses, The direction west is important because west is the point that the sun dies (sets) and brings night until it is born again in the East.
Set out food offerings for the wandering souls near leave offerings on graves of those close to you even pets or around and in the home. Bonfires, guising, divination And any party games, romantic gestures. Self expression, Art necromancy, Osteomancy, Shapeshifting, ghost photography, Ghost "hunting". Curses, The direction west is important because west is the point that the sun dies (sets) and brings night until it is born again in the East.
depicting devils or such is frowned upon unless it is the symbol of Baphomet not saying you can’t do that but a majority of religious Satanist find it a little disrespectful because to be honest a red and horned man is a Christian device to induce fear of "sin". The regular is skulls of all sorts, skeletons, ghosts, black and white shrouds hang them on tree branches and furniture, Mirrors, Tomb stones, black and white candles, Jack o lanterns, harvest things like wheat, Indian corn, gourds, associated animals, Rosmary branches, marigolds, apples and branches, lavender, Rowan. So really all the usual Halloween decor is normal for the most part just remember it’s a time for the dead and harvest. Don't be afraid to get creative.
Demons: Babeal, Baalberith, Eurynomous
Elements: Earth, Air
Planets: Saturn
Animals: Crow, Raven, Bat, Possum, black cat, spider, scorpion, Rat
Elements: Earth, Air
Planets: Saturn
Animals: Crow, Raven, Bat, Possum, black cat, spider, scorpion, Rat
Herbs: lavender, marigold, Apple, Rosemary, Rowan, Mugwort, Wormwood, Yew, Mandrake, deadly nightshade
Metals: Mercury, Silver, Lead
Stones: Bloodstone, Onyx, Smoky Quartz, Obsidian, Labradorite,
Colors: Black, Red, white
Zodiac: Scorpio
Association: Death, Change, mourning, coming winter, end of the year, Ancestors, communication, Guidance, afterlife, the void, darkness, Emptiness, Earthly world, crossroad, Transformation, hunger, Magic, creativity, Self Defense
Metals: Mercury, Silver, Lead
Stones: Bloodstone, Onyx, Smoky Quartz, Obsidian, Labradorite,
Colors: Black, Red, white
Zodiac: Scorpio
Association: Death, Change, mourning, coming winter, end of the year, Ancestors, communication, Guidance, afterlife, the void, darkness, Emptiness, Earthly world, crossroad, Transformation, hunger, Magic, creativity, Self Defense
Real Meaning of Halloween
If you don't understand so far what the real meaning is then here it is spelled out… Halloween or in our case "time of death" is in no way about fear… In Satanism we do not fear and we are not here for people to fear us. Fear is a tool that been used for a long time to hide, convince and direct people into doing something they have no reason to do. By all means go to “haunted” houses (or real ones if you like) let your kids trick or treat but just know it's not really about fear that came later of course you still had people back then in fear of evil spirits and such but that didn’t make Samhain a time of fear. It is the time of death don’t be afraid of death it's not a loss but more like a transition.Harvest Season Observances
The point between the autumn equinox and winter solstice The sun enters Scorpio on Oct 24th. The scorpion is One of the few animals that represent or symbolise Azazel also is more associated with death than any other sign. Look to the South horizon and find the constellation Phoenix raising. The bright star Fomalhaut from the constellation Piscis Austrinus Will guide you Folmalhaut will be above and to the right of the Phoenix wings. The Phoenix you probably know is a symbol of rebirth,reincarnation,immortality. The mythical creature’s old body explodes in a violent flame and out of the ashes the Phoenix is born again it’s a very powerful symbol of the season you can apply it to how the old year is becoming cold and dying to than once again be born in the spring not only is the festival of the Dead about death it’s also about rebirth