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Hell, Earth and the Afterlife.

 Satan is the ruler and God of the Earth where he has full dominion over before and after his banishment from Yahweh's realm. and his companions inhabit various places in and within the earth and solar system to some extent. In Christian society especially in the medieval period the realm of Satan and his legion was outside civilization out in the Chaotic, dark and vast wilderness among the beasts. This also alludes to the point that the Earth is in fact "Hell" which isn't underground like the idea of the Underworld which is of the dead but "Hell" is where we currently exist. The Earth was created out of the Ashes of divine darkness as a prison for living spirits originally and still is but has been altered to also Trap the spirits of the dead here through reincarnation and entrapment in what I call the Aether. Yahweh wants to trade your freedom from the Earth with eternal worship while there are ways to break out of this which I'll elaborate on later regardless of what you believe freedom will be granted at the end of all life including that of Yahweh when divine nothingness destroys all. Christianity, any Abrahamic faith is very world denying in some case's because while it is Yahweh's  creation it is corrupted and he has little influence here in some ways. In my belief  interacting with the world is secondary to my worship of my Gods but my Gods are in a spiritual world on Earth and I use the physical world to interact with them Against Yahweh's will. So engaging in nature and the other spirits you find in daily life unlike in some Abrahamic faiths is not forbidden. The Afterlife has many different occurrence's and paths like Reincarnation Spirits being recycled to perpetuate life on earth those that pass on anyway, People that have become highly advanced spiritually have been able to control what they come back as and remember most if not all of a past life and have Inquired a kind of semi Immorality while more rugged and lowly individuals come back as some animals a good percentage of the time. As I mentioned earlier a way to break the cycle is if you can progress through the Zodiac and advance past the requirements of the current you can reach nullification sooner rather then later ( I will lay a map out for this later)  I wouldn't worry about eating meats and usage of animal by products as long as abuse is minimal the cycle and recycle must continue for them. The Underworld where the spirit is stuck or visits temporarily is part of the Aether literally under our world the realm of the dead being in caves, soil's, deep oceans and Cenotes as a place where the physical body is laid to rest as well as where the spirit sometimes rest's these are places of spirits and parts of spirits that have not recycled and they are in some ways trapped willingly even and on occasion by other spirits of the dead and entities of the world.

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