The Dual
In the beginning there was only chaos, the natural state of the universe "Ayin". Ancient and black waters of emptiness, Complete absence of consciousness and form with no Beginning or end. Then Ayin sof formed bringing order. thus splitting in two sides one seeking Sof and the other to maintain Ayin. Between them a void of empty space. Ayin Sof turned Ayin Sof Aur to manifest thought and streamed light into the Tehiru, The other side now awakened limited the area that light could fall by making it's own stream so light could only reside in the top of the void and thoughtless light stayed in the bottom that became what is known as the Abyss.
Seeding Tree
The place both thoughtless and thoughtful met shattered and In this area became one of each other that violent bondage trapping Dark light and the other absorbing aspects of white light. The thoughtful made ten Sephiroth on a tree of life and a crown at the top as YHWH that was All knowing and make known. Imprisoned Dark light rebelled until a wound formed in the tree, A tunnel leading to a place failure came to be and the tree of death established with eleven shells. one meeting zero without submitting to it. A dual one, one cancelling all and their selves One take away One being Zero to conquer the other sides restrictions and establish unmanifested Divinity once again.
Formation of Earth and Gods
Dark light took form like a dragon with eleven heads to oppose the thoughtful light creating the spirits of Darkness to counter the false gods and completing the tree of death mirroring the name HWHY which real name is reveled, The brother of YHWH Azerate. Out from the Abyss the two headed Leviathan went and devoured creations of YHWH through the Sephiroth. Fearful he split the dragon down the middle and formed land of its bodies and water of its blood. then to Establish himself a purpose and limitations of his own he created many forms which over countless passage of time Always failed some destroyed other's left to suffer.
"His own Image"
YHWH dragon of light made creature's in his own image from the body of clay Leviathan and His own Blood then imprisoned spirit in these vessels made into flesh again. A path opened to the other side and the root of death crawled through and spread it's branches behind the tree of life and also breaking into the world barring fruit of the truth of the universe and knowledge. First creatures were shielded from the other side and knew nothing but what their creator told them. they were told they owned everything but the one tree and told not to touch or eat of it. The other knew of the secret path between the worlds that was increased by the tree and through the roots a mighty Nachash by the name Nenashan was sent as a messenger of truth to all creatures. learning this from Nenashan the fuit was partaken and the seed was bared. This is Considered the oldest and First satanic pact entering the covenant with Nenashan for knowledge of all things including good and evil.
The Curse
Offended and jealous the creator cursed and banished them further away from him. All lost his image and his language. The first Son and daughter born from them bared the seed and the curse as does everyone since then.
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